Sage A. Vincent, B.S.
Professional Credentials and advanced education help you determine advisor competence, distinguish between professionals who are enthusiastic about their work, who value higher education, and help you make an objective decision when choosing a financial advisor. Sage is currently a candidate for CFP® certification. Having successfully passed the CFP® exam, she is now in the process of fulfilling the required professional experience hours to meet the rigorous certification standards.
Sage has earned the following degrees and certificates:
Background & Education
![2025 Vincent, Sage- Headshot](
- BIOLA UNIVERSITY – BS in Business Administration with concentration in International Business, Torrey Honors College graduate.
- BIOLA UNIVERSITY – BS in Intercultural Studies with concentration in Elementary Education, Torrey Honors College graduate.
- BOSTON UNIVERSITY – Certificate in Financial Planning, which is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Board registered education program allowing graduates to sit for the CFP® examination upon completion of the certificate.
For years, I have been the go-to person in my circle for financial advice. I constantly read and listened to financial experts to stay informed and offer well-rounded guidance. When I first learned about the financial planning profession, I immediately knew it was for me. Financial planning brings together two of my passions—serving others and data analytics—in a way that no other career path could match. While working with an embryo adoption agency, I also pursued Boston University’s Certificate in Financial Planning, a CFP® board-certified program that qualified me to sit for the CFP® certification exam. After passing the exam in July 2024, I joined PortSalus Wealth Management, where I have enjoyed working with Jeremy’ clients and helping to implement key elements of their financial plans.
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